About Us

Our Company

Medya Tech provides a strong hardware and software development, support, and installation platform for automobile trackers to be operated by users on GPS, GIS, GPRS, GSM, 3G, and other communication technologies including the ability to manage and monitor through Short Message Services (SMS) and in-app notifications.

We give the customer a hassle-free tracking experience like no other, with our product you will be able to know real-time the location of your vehicle, set a fence, switch on and off your vehicle, locate and navigate to where your vehicle is on your phone or desktop. Be able to playback previous trips in the palm of your hands. The customer will have access to reports like fuel consumption, mileage, overspeed details, daily trips, and more…

This type of service is rendered possible through the creation of relationships and partnerships with qualified manufacturers in the communication industry worldwide. The evolution of mobile telephony and the increased accuracy of Global Positioning Systems in Africa and the rest of the world are factors that not only prompt the need for integration but also promote independence from retainer services and self-reliance for users.

Be In Control

Be in control of wherever you are, whenever you want.

Why Choose Us

Real-time updates

When customers track their vehicles themselves, they can receive real-time updates on the location and status of their vehicles. This can help them make informed decisions and take immediate action if there are any issues

More control

Self-tracking gives customers more control over their vehicles. They can customize alerts and notifications, set up geofencing, and monitor their vehicles’ performance and maintenance needs. This can help them optimize their operations, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.

Increased transparency

Self-tracking promotes transparency between the customer and the company. Customers can view the same data that the company sees, which can build trust and enhance the overall customer experience. This can also help companies identify and address any issues more quickly and effectively.


Self-tracking can be more cost-effective than relying on a company to do it for customers. Customers can choose the level of tracking they need and only pay for what they use, without incurring any additional fees or charges.

Easy to use

Self-tracking is often easier and more user-friendly than relying on a company to do it for customers. Many tracking platforms offer intuitive interfaces and mobile apps that make it easy for customers to track their vehicles on the go.

In summary, letting customers track their vehicles themselves offers many advantages over relying on a company to do it for them. It provides real-time updates, more control, increased transparency, cost-effectiveness, and ease of use, all of which can lead to better customer satisfaction and improved business operations.

Our Commitment

By providing prepaid services we become a leading provider of innovative and cost-effective tracking solutions for businesses and individuals, with a focus on customer-centricity, sustainability, and growth.

We aim to:

Expand our offerings

We continue to expand our range of tracking solutions, catering to a diverse set of industries and customers. This involves exploring new technologies, such as GPS tracking, RFID, and IoT, to provide real-time insights and analytics.

Enhance customer experience

We prioritize customer experience, ensuring that our tracking solutions are easy to use, customizable, and provide real-time insights. We also focus on building strong relationships with our customers, offering exceptional customer service and support.

Promote sustainability

We are committed to promoting sustainability in our operations, using eco-friendly technologies and practices to minimize its environmental impact. This can involve investing in renewable energy, reducing waste, and promoting responsible supply chain management.

Foster growth

We aim to achieve sustainable growth, expanding our customer base, and generating higher revenues. This involves exploring new markets, partnering with other businesses, and investing in research and development outside the Southern African region.

Foster innovation

We encourage innovation and a culture of continuous improvement, empowering our employees to come up with new ideas and solutions. This involves investing in employee training, promoting collaboration, and fostering a culture of experimentation.
By pursuing these objectives, Medya Tech can establish itself as a leading provider of tracking solutions, while maintaining its focus on customer-centricity, sustainability, and growth.
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Medya Tech
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